Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bowling fieldtrip

I was able to go with Jace's preschool class on a field trip to the bowling alley. Since Baylie would get out of kindergarten while we were gone, I took her out of school early to go with us. The kids had a great time and the moms sat around laughing and having a fun time too. Here is the little group we bowled with. Baylie, Tyler, Jace (not paying attention) and Madeline. These two kids are friends in the neighborhood. Baylie picking up her ball,

There is goes...............

Baylie, Jace and Tyler.

Jace, picking out his ball.

At the end of the lane.

And it's off....... I love how he has his hands raised way up over his head! He did this every time!

Best buds!!
Here Jace is with the little group of kids he knows well. They are in our ward and/or neighborhood. Reagan, Jace, Carson, Tyler, Noah and Madeline!

This was a fun field trip for all the kids and moms too! I have loved this year of preschool as Jace knows these kids well and I'm becoming better friends with their moms. All these kids will head to kindergarten next year, except Jace. We talk about next year and he'll say, "then I'll just go to kindergarten with them." If only it were that easy!!


  1. So cute! Bowling with the little kids is the best. They are so funny! Looks like they were getting the hang of it and having a good time. Way to be such a good mom going to all their activities! How do you keep up with it all?!!

  2. I, too, am thankful for the fun group of kids we've had together in preschool. Carson has no kids his age in our neighborhood--so we are thankful for the great friends he has made! We sure are going to miss Jace next year... but he'll just have DOUBLE the friends by the time he gets to Rimrock!

  3. The field trip looked so fun! So cute how all the kids are from our neighborhood! I love that! Cute pics!!!

  4. I need to get over my germ issues, because every time I think of bowling, I think of the nasty fingers and hands that handled the ball before me. It did look like it was a fun field trip though:)
