Monday, October 17, 2011

Jace is 5

I can't even believe it's been 5 years since this handsome little guy came into our family! He is definitely all boy and we are still in awe of him everyday! He has been so excited for this birthday, I don't think there ever has been another kid as excited for a birthday as this one! He had been anticipating for weeks, asking how many more days until Emily made him a little paper chain that he could tear off a link everyday until the BIG DAY! He faithfully tore off a link every morning and let us all know how many more days until his birthday.
Here he is getting ready to eat his most favorite food in the world, french toast for breakfast! He had to go through the whole day until he could actually open his gifts. He was a trooper all day long and didn't ask too many times how much longer!

All the anticipation of this day and all the waiting and wondering how many days was well worth it when he finally got to open his remote control helicopter! He actually was with me and picked it out weeks before so it wasn't too big a surprise. I told him when we got it that we had to save it for his birthday and that he needed to forget about it, didn't happen!

We went to Red Robin for dinner but we had to promise that we wouldn't tell the waiters it was his birthday or he would hide under the table. He didn't want to be embarrassed, I guess. We came home and let him blow out the candles on his cake, we were all too stuffed to eat any. He kept telling me all week he didn't want a birthday cake (he doesn't like cake) only ice cream. Well, this morning, he decided he did want a cake. Not just any cake, a helicopter cake. I knew there was no way I was going to find a helicopter cake, so I just grabbed a random cake from the bakery and bought a match box helicopter, put it on the cake and he was thrilled as can be!

Make a wish and blow them all out!!!

He had a great birthday and I think after all his excitement, he wasn't too disappointed in the outcome of the day! He is such a great addition to the family. He is definitely spoiled by ALL of us. He is a wonderful little guy and we just can't get enough of him!! I think I'm going to have a hard time next year sending him off to kindergarten, he's been my buddy the last few years and I know I'm going to miss him during the day!


  1. Looks like a great birthday for him! Red Robin, yum!

  2. Can he be 5?! What a handsome little guy. Love his helicopter cake! Looks like such a fun day for him!

  3. So glad he had a great b-day!!!! He's so cute!!cute cake!!!!:)))
