Sunday, October 2, 2011

Homecoming 2011

Last night was Hillcrest's homecoming dance. It happened to fall on the weekend of General Conference so there wasn't any day dates and the young men in Lindsay's group, picked up their dates after the Priesthood session. They had dinner and played games on Friday night so that all the kids could watch conference. Once again, I am so grateful that Lindsay has such a great group of kids in her life! Here she is all ready to go......

I think her hair is very cute, it is supposed to look like little flowers!

David Norman is the young man that asked her to the dance. He left a head of lettuce and a jar of jam on our doorstep with a note that said, "Lettuce jam at the dance together?" Lindsay had to go through the lettuce to see who was asking her. We thought it was a clever way to be asked and have no idea how he got his name in the lettuce as it was fully intact.
Pinning on the boutonniere........

Her wrist corsage

A few more pictures before they head out

The dance was held outside in the parking lot of the school. The theme was 'carnival' and they had a canopy which Lindsay said was small so all the kids were smashed together if they wanted a cover overhead. She did say it was fun though. We are excited each time she is asked to the dances and I still love shopping for dresses and helping her get ready. She had a great time last night with David and the others in her group!


  1. Lindsay is such a pretty girl! I love the dress she is wearing!

  2. I am glad she had a fun night! I love her hair and make-up! She looks like a contender for Miss America!

  3. She seriously could be Miss America! All your girls could! They are all beautiful. So glad she had such a fun time. I hope my kids have such a great group of friends like she does. What a blessing!
