Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First day of school... Part 2

With the freshman getting their own day at the high school yesterday, Lindsay and Kenna didn't have to start school until today. As usual, they weren't thrilled with me taking pictures but they'll get over it! This was the last time I get to send Lindsay off to her first day of school while living at home. It was a bit sad for me but as you see on her face, it wasn't for her! Kenna and Lindsay walking to the car.

Lindsay, Emily and Kenna. Lucky Emily won't have to experience riding the bus to school in her jr. high years. Sandcreek is located right behind Hillcrest so she will get to catch a ride with her big sisters And, they're off!

This really was a sad morning for me. After they left, I thought about all the other things that will be the 'last time' experiences for our family with Lindsay (while she's living at home) and I really don't think I'm ready for all this; last Thanksgiving, last Christmas, last birthday, last spring break, really the list can go on but I'm hoping not do dwell on these things and hope to make Lindsay's senior year a great one! Kenna is excited to not be a freshman and I know they'll both have great school experiences, they have fantastic groups of friends!


  1. You have such beautiful girls! I love all of their outfits!

  2. They look like runway models walking down your sidewalk! Try not to think of all the "lasts" but all the "firsts" she will still have to experience in her life!

  3. Oh, to think of all the lasts is so sad! Gosh they grow up too fast. I remember get togethers with Kara and Brett for baby blessings, etc, and seeing your two little girls and thinking they were so cute, and now here they are in high school and Lindsay a senior! I can't even believe it. I agree with Kara, try to think of all the firsts. I know you will make it a wonderful year, you're so great that way. Another good thing is you still have all your cute littles at home with you for a few more years yet. That comforts me when I think how fast my older kids are growing, I still have my baby for awhile. And I also agree with Kara, they do look like runway models!
