Friday, March 11, 2011

Watch out young women's here she comes......

Emily turns 12!! I can't believe how quickly the years have gone and that I have another daughter in young women's. She has been waiting for this day for some time, it seems they just reach a point when they are so ready to be out of primary.
Here she is with her breakfast, a fried egg on toast.
Opening her presents.... (this one is blurry) another girl wearing make-up, ka-ching!!

She wanted to go to Red Robin for her birthday dinner, here she is showing off the balloons they gave her to wear and her birthday sundae.
She is a girl after my own heart and loves a white cake with raspberry filling, I was more than happy to get her one!

Make a wish and blow out the candles...........

Happy to show us how old she is..... with a little help!

Happy birthday Emily!!! We sure love what a fun personality she shares with us and are so proud of the young woman she is becoming. She is a huge helper to me around the house and with her little sisters and brother. She usually always has a smile on her face and it sure helps brighten our days!


  1. Happy Birthday Emily! Now I really know I have been in activity days too long. I had her in the 8 year old class:)

  2. Cute new blog! What a fun year for Emily! Looks like she had a great birthday. And where did she get that awesome necklace? :)

  3. So many birthdays on here... and so many truly BEAUTIFUL girls! (Just like their mom!) I like the new blog makeover!

  4. She is another beautiful Jackson girlie. So fun for her to be in Young Women's, lots of milestone birthdays at your house!
