Sunday, March 6, 2011

I can't wait until I'm 8

Ali has been anticipating her 8th birthday for some time and it has finally arrived! She is an early riser so she didn't get her breakfast in bed, in fact, as I was in the kitchen peeling potatoes to throw in the crock pot at 6:45, up came Ali. We quickly made her birthday breakfast of breakfast burritos, the fruit was thrown on the plate by her dad to make the picture look better! She was anxious to open her presents so we sent her down stairs to wake up the rest of the kids. We have 9am church anyway so it was all good. Here is Ali with her gifts.
The favorite gift was 'sing it' for the WII. We got one for Christmas and it's been a huge hit, who knew there was more than one?

New outfit.

After church we came home to eat. She wanted pork roast and potatoes. I put the roast in the crock pot the night before so it's really tender after cooking for 12-15 hours. When I woke up, I realized I didn't turn the crock pot on!! I was so upset thinking I had ruined her birthday dinner but I just cooked it on high and it was fine, not as tender as we like though. Since she had a birthday cake with her friends yesterday, she wanted a chocolate pie for her dessert.

Blowing out the candles.....

Proudly displaying her 8 fingers.

Ali is such a joy in our home and seriously one of the funniest kids I know. She makes us laugh daily and are so grateful to have her in our family! We are excited for her to be baptized in a few weeks, she is anxious for that day as well. While we were in Salt Lake a few weekends ago, we stopped in the distribution center to let her pick out her scriptures and she is counting down to the baptism day so she can get them. Happy Birthday sweet Alison - we love you!!


  1. Glad she had a great Birthday!! We LOVE Ali! Such a sweetie!!!!:)))

  2. Such a great age! We are excited to come to the baptism next month. Let me know what I can do to help!!

  3. She is so cute! Love the birthday dessert idea. When we have 3 birthdays in May we are all quite tired of cake by the third one! My Lexi is almost 8. Such a fun age! Such exciting things... baptism and new scriptures, etc. Good luck with her baptism day! Such a special time!
