Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another teenage driver

Kenna is officially DONE with driver's education and has her permit! Her last class was today and she must now spend the next 6 months chauffeuring us around while I sit white knuckled in the passenger seat, before she can take the driving test and get a license to drive without an adult in the car. If there is anyone out there over 21 and wanting a chauffeur, I know Kenna would be more than happy to oblige you! Well, two kids able to drive - sure makes me feel old! It has been pretty convenient to have a teenage driver to help with errands or run kids here and there, I just hope I can keep the fighting to a minimum over which girl gets to drive!


  1. Wow! Two drivers! In a way it would be sad to know that your kids are getting older, but at the same time so handy! How nice to be able to have them maybe run an errand or two for you! :) Good luck with the 6 months of white knuckles!

  2. I might take you up on having her as a driver. She could drive my car, I could run in and do quick errands while she sits and waits with the kids. Perfect situation for me!
