Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kenna hits D.C.

Makenna had the opportunity to take a trip to Washington D.C. with a group from her school. Every summer for the past about 10 years, the history teacher, Mrs. Bailey has taken a group of kids back to our nations capitol, 2 years ago Lindsay went and I wanted to be a chaperon, didn't happen. I told Chris when kenna goes, I'll be a chaperon. Still didn't happen. Going to D.C has been a dream of mine forever so I'm so jealous that my girls have had the chance to go! Okay, it's on record, when Emily goes, I'm Chaperoning!! Mrs. Bailey has these kids running from sun up to sun down. Their days are filled with seeing anything and everything.
Here is a picture of the capitol building.... Makenna goofing off with her friend, Natalie at the court house in Colonial Williamsburg.

Marine 1 coming in for a landing, yes, Pres. Obama was on it!

Aerial views of the capital and the white house.... They actually did get 'clearance' and were able to go in the White House for a tour!

Get in line everyone, goofing off, again!

The Vietnam Memorial, look closely and you can see Kenna taking this picture.

Kenna holding up the Washington monument (nice fanny pack)

Washington Monument.....

The Lincoln Memorial.....

The National Cathedral.... She says this is absolutely huge!!

Kenna with Abe Lincoln's hat, at the American History Museum

She got a bit tired and decided to take a nap on Rosa Parks....

When she woke up, she had to stretch out her back.......

In front of the Washington Monument.

Botanical Gardens

Hanging out with a few of her peeps!

At the amphitheatre in Arlington National Cemetery.

Changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers.. She learned a lot of information about this and about what an honor it is to be chosen to be one of these guards. She said it was super hot and she felt bad for the guards as they can't even raise their hands to wipe the sweat off their foreheads. They are decked out in wool uniforms. She did say on the phone this day (her first full day in D.C), that the heat back east is "unbearable."

The actual tomb....

Posing in Arlington National Cemetery

The Arlington house, on the cemetery grounds.

Chillin' with her friends on the tram through the cemetery

Standing in front of the capitol building.

What an amazing opportunity she has had these past 10 days. Even though I am so jealous, I'm grateful for the chance she had to go on this fantastic trip! For now, I live vicariously through her and Lindsay's memories!


  1. Ahhh,such great pics!!(And I loved the fanny pac!);)Glad she got to see all that history, everyone should see it in their lifetime. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers is my Favorite,the guards are truly amazing.Looks like she had a awesome trip!:)

  2. I LOVE it! I am jealous, too! It looks like she had a fabulous time! Thanks for posting the pics!!!

  3. That is one trip Jeff and I need to go on together with the kids when they get older. What a great experience!

  4. She is too cute! I'm way jealous too, that is somewhere I've ALWAYS wanted to go. Glad I could live vicariously through her pictures too!

  5. What a great opportunity for her! My friend from HS lives about 20 min. out of DC so we got the "inside" tour 4 years ago. It's great. Make sure you go with Emily!!! :)
