T-ball has been in full swing the month of June. Today was Ali's last game and I finally remembered to bring the camera! This has been a fun little team with other kids her age from the ward. As you can see, Ali is thrilled to be playing second base. This isn't an uncommon
occurrence for her. Usually most games, I'm yelling, "stand up Ali." "Get ready for the ball to come!" Whoever is next to her is just as thrilled.
Sitting the dug out waiting to bat!
She really enjoyed t-ball this season in spite of the first picture : D She always had a great attitude and loved hitting the ball!
Coming home! "Hurry Ali, your teammate is catching you"
With one of her teammates, Hailey
Bigler. It was a fun season, they did really well. It was fun for me too, like I said, the other teammates were from our ward so it was fun to sit and visit with all the other moms, and
occasionally watch the game :D
Now that t-ball is over, it's time for swimming lessons!
Gotta love t-ball and all the "excited" players. At least Ali is cute. I am sure that the baseball instinct her mother passed on will come out soon!